Research Day – January 24

The Computer Genealogy Interest Group meets at 1 pm.
Migrate Family Tree Maker to Roots Magic
This Sunday, Herb Frantz will help anyone migrate from FTM to RootsMagic.
Prospective victims will need:
- Their Laptop (with power cord) with FTM installed:
If FTM 2006 or earlier; install RM > import directly to RM
If FTM after 2006 > generate a GEDCOM >install RM > GEDCOM import to RM - IF Desk bound: Bring FTM data on a USB drive (USB 3 preferred)
If FTM 2006 or earlier, bring FTM file > import directly to RM > load new RM file back to USB >take USB home and open in installed RM
If FTM after 2006 > generate a GEDCOM > GEDCOM import to RM > load new RM file back to USB >take USB home and open in installed RM