Old Defenders Descendants
Descendants of the Men Who Fought Against the British in 1812 – 1814
Baltimore Sun, Friday, September 6, 1889
“MONDAY’S PARADE: The Complete Programme of the Great Event OPENING OF THE SHOW Keep This Before You as the Procession Passes A VIEW OF THE ENTIRE LINE Chief Marshal Supplee and His Gallant Aids THEY HAVE THE HONOR OF LEADING Then Come the Dignitaries and the Divisions HARRISON, JACKSON, LATROBE And Don’t Forget President Brown for he Should be Heartily Received–In the Order Given Will Then Appear Union Veterans–Volunteer Firemen–The Modern Department–Uniformed Societies–German Industry and Progress–Major Pangborn’s Greatest Show on Earth–Wonderful Devices on Wheels–Historical and Industrial Floats–Descendants of the Men Who Fought Against the British in 1812-14…”
MONDAY’S PARADE. (1889, Sep 06). The Sun (1837-1988) Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/535187042?accountid=34685
“MONDAY’S PARADE: The Complete Programme of the Great Event OPENING OF THE SHOW Keep This Before You as the Procession Passes A VIEW OF THE ENTIRE LINE Chief Marshal Supplee and His Gallant Aids THEY HAVE THE HONOR OF LEADING Then Come the Dignitaries and the Divisions HARRISON, JACKSON, LATROBE And Don’t Forget President Brown for he Should be Heartily Received–In the Order Given Will Then Appear Union Veterans–Volunteer Firemen–The Modern Department–Uniformed Societies–German Industry and Progress–Major Pangborn’s Greatest Show on Earth–Wonderful Devices on Wheels–Historical and Industrial Floats–Descendants of the Men Who Fought Against the British in 1812-14…”
MONDAY’S PARADE. (1889, Sep 06). The Sun (1837-1988) Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/535187042?accountid=34685
This article goes on to list the parade participants and their War of 1812 ancestor and their relationship to that person.
BCGS member, George Bausman Jr., extracted this information from the Baltimore Sun, September 6, 1889, page 5 and created a searchable document. It lists the ancestors unit or place of service and rank, when mentioned.
It is available for viewing on our Old Defenders page at → The Old Defenders Project.