New Book For Sale
Heirs and Orphans of Baltimore City and County, Maryland, 1825 – 1904 Abstracted from Annual Valuations., Carol L Porter and Patricia R Czerniewski. Baltimore County Genealogical Society, Inc., 2014, Indexed, 68 pages, 300+ records, 1,600+ names, Price: $13.00.
This book contains never before published estate records for three hundred decedents in Baltimore City and County. Many of these individuals did not have wills or administrations accounts.
Annual valuations were required to protect the interest of minor heirs when real property was involved. Information abstracted here contains orphans and decedents names; locations and description of property; dimensions and condition of the buildings thereon; slaves; appraisers names; date property was viewed; value placed upon it and the date the report was filed.
A brief discussion of this book is planned for the September General Meeting.
Please visit the link → PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE. (Note: The index for this book is planned to be online)