Exploring Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps – Barbara Henry
Sanborn fire insurance maps are a genealogy resource often overlooked by genealogists.
Although originally developed to assist insurance companies assess risk of coverage, these maps contain a wealth of information useful in family research.
This presentation will cover the history of Sanborn maps as well as where you can find them, how to read them and how to use them in your research.
Barb Henry:
Barb has been researching since 2000 and has very deep Maryland roots, with several lines dating back to the late 1600s/early 1700s. She is a member of BCGS (vertical file manager), Historical Society of Baltimore County, Historical Society of Harford County, the Maryland Genealogical Society and the Maryland Historical Society. She is also active in several local discussion groups where she presents on various genealogical topics. She has an A.S. in Civil Engineering from CCBC and is currently Corporate CADD Manager for Johnson, Mirmiran and Thompson. In her free time she enjoys cruising, golf and doing family research.