Big Changes with BigY: Updates on Y-DNA Testing
Big Changes with BigY: Updates on Y-DNA Testing
Andrew Hochreiter
APRIL 28, SUNDAY, 3 pm
General Meeting: In Person
Presentation: In Person
- The use of Y-DNA results is critical to the research of the patrilinear line.
- This involves the identification of the father’s father’s (and so on) ancestral heritage.
- The presentation will discuss the basics of the Y chromosome, the types of markers used, and how results help find male relatives.
- The Rolls Royce of Y-DNA tests is the BigY 700 test offered by Family Tree DNA (FTDNA).
- This product launched a tsunami of discoveries of Y-DNA mutations that enabled this test to be valuable to track male relativity in genealogically relevant timeframes.
- FTDNA implemented many new “Discover” tools to analyze BigY results making this test the ultimate paternal line research aide.
- Learn about these new tools and how they can benefit surname projects and paternal research.
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